
Showing posts from June, 2004

Time Flies By On Endless Fuel Reserves.

According to the "What's so special about today?" section on Probeersel, it's been three years since I launched the short story "Chalk" and started the The Artificial Real story collection. Since then, I've only added "Rock". I guess it's high time I free my hands and at least launch another chapter (I've got several of them semi-written down) to at least make it appear like there's some regularity in the updates on this series. Shame on me ! Ten years earlier than that, though, the first Bone album was published - some time in July. That makes for 13 years of time that this series has ran, and just today I read an announcement over at BoneVille that shipping of the ninth and final album, both hard- and softcover, will start some time this month (July). 9 Albums in 13 Years. At least TAR isn't going at THAT pace yet - I'll give Jeff Smith credit for launching the 'Rose' miniseries as well as the Big Johnson Bone bo...

Let's Get Atlantic.

Satan has resurfaced again ! And he claims to have four new episodes of Macadamia ready to upload, so we should expect to see new material appearing soon - then again, he's popped up several times the past year, so if anyone wants to start a little wager wether or not Macadamia will continue anytime soon yes or no, might be interesting. I'm hoping he will get round to uploading new stuff soon, since the comic went off to a great start and I've been anxiously awaiting new episodes of this witty, sarcastic 3D comic series. In other news: Dutch freelance comic artist Nozzman is semi-involved with the Atlantis festival : he works for the company that designed the site and last year he was a 'live comic artist' there, which was met with great enthousiasm. Enough enthousiasm for the organisation to consider an entire room for live comic artists this year. So he's trying to find out who'd be interested - I might be, especially if other Probeersel artists would li...

Update: Pooof ! Back.

Reasons Why We Rule has returned to the web. Their site shows the reason it went offline (including in the new episode) but the short version is that a link to the large mpeg of Matt dancing to the Mortal Kombat theme was posted on a major forum so everyone started downloading it. So they exceeded their bandwidth as mentioned, which turns out to be a whole lot sweeter than ours: they have a whopping 65 Gigz. God damn ! And now they upgraded to 85 apparently, even -- I'm wondering who I need to lay at Protagonist to get that kind of a sweet deal. 3 just suddenly seems very, very little. RWWR humbles us.

Pooof ! Gone.

For those who have been paying attention to's activities, or even more specifically my own, you may have noticed that we like Reasons Why We Rule . Unfortunately, for over a week now, their site is down because they've exceeded the hosting limits from their hosting provider. So all week there's been a "Site bandwidth exceeded" page on there instead. A real pity, because Matt puts up an average of three new episodes every week and it's always been worth checking out. Their forum is also populated by various interesting people - no 'celebrities' like on the Comics Journal Forum or Stripliefhebbers forum, but just ordinary yet very interesting everyday people with original, funny postings and great ideas and comments. Once we get a forum on (at some point it'll be on top of our to-do list, trust me) I can only hope we get even slightly as interesting a crowd together on there as they have. And I've already before offe...

We are graciously thanked.

The Saiso girls noticed the review I wrote for their site on our links page and they copied it proudly onto their weblog . I've noticed some other people doing the same, like Mr. Satanism , and even Marq van Broekhoven, although in his case he proudly displayed the fact that I don't care too much for his Plintkabouter comics . I must, however, admit that I like some of his other work a whole lot better, and that he's a rather intelligent guy with a reasonable knowledge of the comics world, and ever since I met him in person I also must admit he's a rather friendly and funny guy. Makes you wonder why his 'Peer' comics are crap. Luckily he doesn't consider it his own greatest work, either . It's weird how it gets contageous when people start posting responses to their site and yours is in there. Technically, this is the second time I bring them up - or third, if you count the fact that MY text is on THEIR site now. I should have gotten copyright.

About Testing And FarScape

Alright - with the help of Sionnain for figuring out which code to put into the template, and with the help of Blogger Help pages, we switched on the comments. Personally I think that if you want to be able to post something that people can respond to publically and you can then reply and they can reply etc. you should really just get a forum and not publish a blog, but hey, people like commenting on blogs so to hell with it. Now you can. In other 'eager to please people' news, Worst Case Scenario is completely dedicated to FarScape this whole week, so (Dutch) fans of the show should definately go check it out. And of course, for about an hour and a half after midnight last night, the comic displayed the wrong episode - 'luckily' I was still up and about to correct that. So now you guys got comments and FarScape-themed episodes. Rejoice !

Aw geez.

Reinder has another point, and I guess I've got some work cut out for me now. I'll look into it, folks. As soon as I have time.