Crossovers Database

René surfs the webI've been digging through Reinder Dijkhuis (best known from ModernTales webcomic 'Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan')'s reasonably new blog and he writes a few interesting things here and there. He's putting together a museum exhibit on webcomics (I can't completely agree with his picks since they reveal mainly a focus on 'established pros' and fairly little on new-and-upcoming-talent, the latter of which are actually lately pulling in the much larger visitors' numbers as it seems - like Reasons Why We Rule, Monkey Business, the PC Weenies, etc., but it's still an interesting subject and I'm definately considering visiting the exhibit - unless I read wrong and it's over already) amongst other things. But here's something that REALLY caught my eye: a small post about a database for WebComics crossovers ! Now, as many of the loyal fans know, there's been plenty of crossovers between, The Grim DotCom, God.Inc, hell, Penguism is a spinoff from the latter, etc. and we're far from done yet. Besides that, I've done more than a handful crossovers with my OWN seperate comics. So it might be good to get all the info on that and start submitting. In any case - and I'm talking from a promotional angle here, of course - it'll be good attention to the initiative.
Just a thought.


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